1. A culturally proficient response to LGBT communities : a guide for educators
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: Homosexuality and education > United States ***** Sexual minorities > Education ***** Lesbian students > United States ***** Gay students > United States ***** Bisexual students > United States ***** Transgender youth > Education > United States *****

2. Affective reactions of American and Swedish women to their first premarital coitus:
المؤلف: I. M. Schwartz
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Education,Health education,Psychology,sexual intercourse,Social psychology

3. Already doing it : intellectual disability and sexual agency
المؤلف: Michael Carl Gill
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: Sexuality ***** Sex Offenses ***** Sex Education ***** Mental retardation ***** People with mental disabilities > Sexual behavior ***** Intellectual Disability ***** Education of Intellectually Disabled *****

4. Big gay adventures in education : supporting LGBT+ visibility and inclusion in schools
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: Sexual minority teachers > Anecdotes ***** Sexual minorities in education > Anecdotes *****

5. Bullying : experiences and discourses of sexuality and gender
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: EDUCATION / Educational Policy & Reform / General ***** Bullying in schools ***** Sexual harassment in education ***** Harassment in schools ***** Bullying in schools > Psychological aspects ***** EDUCATION / Educational Psychology *****

6. Closing the gender gap act now
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: equality between men and women ***** equal treatment ***** sexual discrimination ***** education policy ***** labour market ***** anti-discriminatory measure *****
رده :

7. Coming out of the closet : exploring LGBT issues in strategic communication with theory and research
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: Homosexuality and education ***** Sexual orientation > Study and teaching ***** Sexual minorities > Study and teaching ***** Bisexuality > Study and teaching ***** Transsexualism > Study and teaching *****

8. Don't touch! :
المؤلف: Heather Piper and Ian Stronach.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Child sexual abuse-- Great Britain-- Prevention.,Early childhood education-- Social aspects-- Great Britain.,Teacher-student relationships-- Great Britain.,Touch-- Social aspects-- Great Britain.,Child sexual abuse-- Prevention.,Early childhood education-- Social aspects.,EDUCATION-- Teaching Methods & Materials-- General.,Teacher-student relationships.,Touch-- Social aspects.,Great Britain., 7
رده :

9. Exploring sexuality in schools :
المؤلف: Dorottya Rédai.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Education-- Social aspects-- Hungary.,Sexual minority students-- Hungary.,Education-- Social aspects.,Sexual minority students.,Hungary., 7
رده :

10. Exploring sexuality in schools : the intersectional reproduction of inequality
المؤلف: Dorottya Redai
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: Sexual minority students > Hungary ***** Education > Social aspects > Hungary *****
رده :

11. Finding the doorbell :
المؤلف: Cindy Pierce & Edie Thys Morgan.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Sex instruction.,Sex.,Sexual intercourse.,HEALTH & FITNESS-- Sexuality.,SELF-HELP-- Sexual Instruction.,Sex education.,Sex instruction.,Sex.,Sex.,Sexual intercourse.
رده :

12. Gender and Sexual Diversity in U.S. Higher Education: Contexts and Opportunities for LGBTQ College Students :
المؤلف: Dafina-Lazarus Stewart, Kristen A. Renn, G. Blue Brazelton.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Homosexuality and education.,Sexual minorities-- Education (Higher),Homosexuality and education.
رده :

13. Gender and choice in education and occupation
المکتبة: كتابخانه مركزي و مركز اسناد دانشگاه الزهراء (س) (طهران)
موضوع: ، Sex role,، Sex differences )Psychology(,، Sex differences in education,، sexual division of labour,، Sex discrimination in employment,، Choice )Psychology( - sex differences
رده :

14. Gender and occupational outcomes : longitudinal assessments of individual, social, and cultural influences
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: Women in science ***** Women in technology ***** Technical education ***** Sexual division of labor > Longitudinal studies ***** Sex differences in education > Longitudinal studies ***** Women > Education > Longitudinal studies ***** Science > Study and teaching > Sex differences > Longitudinal studies ***** Technical education > Sex differences > Longitudinal studies *****

15. Gender issues and the library :
المؤلف: edited by Carol Smallwood and Lura Sanborn ; foreword by Loida Garcia-Febo.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Gender identity-- Study and teaching.,Libraries and education-- United States, Case studies.,Libraries and sexual minorities.,Libraries and society-- United States, Case studies.,Libraries and women.,Libraries-- Special collections-- Gender identity.,Libraries-- Special collections-- Women's studies.,Women's studies.,Bibliothek,Feminismus,Geschlechterforschung,Geschlechterrolle,Geschlechterverhältnis,LGBT,Libraries and gays.,Libraries and lesbians.,Libraries and transgender people.,Libraries and transsexuals.,Libraries and women.
رده :

16. Girls of color, sexuality, and sex education
المؤلف: Sharon Lamb
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: Teenage girls > Sexual behavior ***** African American teenagers > Education ***** African American teenagers > Health and hygiene ***** Sex education for girls *****

17. Governmentality, Biopower, and Sexual Citizenship:
المؤلف: Taylor, Melina K.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Cultural anthropology,Feminist methodology,LGBTQIA+ populations,Reproductive justice,Sexual violence,Sexuality education

18. L'education sanitaire a l'ecole pour la prevention du SIDA et des maladies sexuellement transmissibles
المکتبة: المكتبة المركزية بجامعة تبريز و مركز التوثيق والنشر (أذربایجان الشرقیة)
موضوع: Health education,Sexual disorders - Prevention,Publichealth - Scholarships, fellowships, etc,Immunological deficiency syndromes
رده :

19. LGBTQ issues in education : advancing a research agenda
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: Homophobia in schools > Research > United States ***** Sexual minorities > Education > Research > United States *****

20. LGBTQ voices in education :
المؤلف: edited by Veronica E. Bloomfield and Marni E. Fisher.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Bisexual students.,Gay students.,Homosexuality and education.,Lesbian students.,Sexual minorities-- Education.,Transgender youth-- Education.,Bisexual students.,EDUCATION-- Aims & Objectives.,EDUCATION-- Student Life & Student Affairs.,EDUCATION-- Teaching Methods & Materials-- Health & Sexuality.,Gay students.,Homosexuality and education.,Lesbian students.,Sexual minorities-- Education.
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